Wednesday, November 24, 2010


As a child and even as a full-grown adult there were(are) always i believed(believe)in. So how to react when something that you thought wasn't going to happen suddenly materialises in front of you and hits you like a wet slap on a cold winter's day? I don't know. Left feeling shocked beyond disbelief. Me? Just goes to show the gamut of human emotions and the length they can take you. Or do I blame it on the technology explosion? How the fast the world has actually become that these very emotions can lead you on the path to sure and certain destruction? I mean why? why? why? why would an individual want to throw away everything it has for a seemingly trivial pursuit that too when it could possibly not be left wanting in anything? Not anything that meets the eye, to say the least. I wonder what it is that human beings have hidden underneath their exterior that doesn't catch the naked eye but is always there, waiting to erupt in the most painful ways imaginable? I don't want my perfect world to be rocked to the core yet again. Maybe I'm over-reacting but I have seen too many people and their lives to not be affected in the least by this sudden turn of events. However detached I may try to seem with respect to all this I just can't because at one level, at least, it affects me and I just can't pretend it doesn't. For someone who's been through a lot in his childhood nothing really affects me anymore but I only hope people will have the rationality not to throw away something precious in the haste of the moment and serenity will prevail. Not a vacuum that leaves an ugly distaste which just refuses to go away however hard you try. Why does every corner, twist and turn of this enigma called life have to be filled with surprises. Its not about what's on the surface but what's bubbling underneath and the seemingly horrible implications it could lead to.I thought I was done with my share of surprises, atleast for the time being.

And I know, I'm dead on the surface
But I'm screaming underneath
A Rush of Blood to the Head,

Clearly, I was wrong. Just so gut-wrenchingly wrong

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